I Love These Stories
My wife called my attention to this article as she is aware of the type of information I enjoy sharing with you. This lesson once again falls under the topic of “asking” and then seeing...
My wife called my attention to this article as she is aware of the type of information I enjoy sharing with you. This lesson once again falls under the topic of “asking” and then seeing...
Yesterday’s Honda Classic Golf Tournament winner, Michael Thompson provides today’s food for thought. Michael who? You might be asking yourself right now. That’s right. His name does not rhyme with Woods, MacIlroy, Mickelson or Ogilvy....
This headline appeared in today’s Sun Sentinel Newspaper. You remember them … newspapers? NOTE: LeBron James is a professional basketball player (Miami Heat) I’ll give you the cliff note recap and save you the prose....
Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones had it wrong: Time, time, time is not on our side. This factoid was brought to my attention recently when a friend of mine shared his findings with me....
I was recently asked my opinion on the timing of follow-up following a Networking Event. What was the proper protocol? Should the person seek personal information if only given a business card, and how soon...
My last blog post suggested that you get up, get out, and go to the library. As elementary as that advice may have sounded, it is a solid, proven recommendation to get your creative juices...
One of the most difficult lessons we learn as adults is that we are virtually all the same. We are just a bunch of older children. Some more gray than others, and some with a...
Pay attention. Following my train of thought might prove a bit challenging. As I was admiring the flight of one of my golf shots recently, I couldn’t help but notice the bright blue sky, the...
Often times I become mildly embarrassed when I hear myself reminding people of what they should already know. But they don’t. So I do. And I continue to get mildly embarrassed. Today’s reminder comes via...
A consultant use to be a guy or gal who was temporarily out of work and looking for a job. If that is the definition, then I have been a “consultant” for nearly 30 years....
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