In a me-too industry like travel, it is too easy to compete (try to compete) with the current travel managing company head-to-head. Tit for tat. The easy way is to simply recite easier … faster … cheaper … friendlier … better … etc. Save your breath.
In the corporate atmosphere today “change” is a four-letter word. The devil you know is better than the travel agent with the gift of gab. They have come to the point where they just don’t believe you or anybody else for that matter. The “status-quo” will get them to Friday the fastest without jeopardizing their job.
Find the “white space.” Uncover what is missing and is deemed important. Find the “gaps.” The gap is the difference between what is today and where they dream to be tomorrow.
To pull this strategy off, you must be willing to find the crack in the door and slide through. Any crack will do. Know that today’s crack will be shut tight by lunchtime tomorrow. And once you do find the crack, or white space, you had better be prepared. Chances are you will only have one shot at this baby. If there is any chance for failure, you certainly do not want it to be self-inflicted. (See Homework Post)
So, today, start sculpting your presentation as if you are going to have your day in court tomorrow. What are going to offer that is worth the time? HINT: It has nothing to do with you or your company or your service profile.
It has everything to do the company on your dartboard. HINT #2: After you provide your name, every sentence following (90%) should have a question mark following the sentence, and not a period.