Mike Marchev’s Inner-Circle
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Many agents “riding the fence” ask me what The Inner-Circle is all about.
I want to answer that question now without any sales phraseology or marketing mumbo-jumbo. Let me tell you exactly what The Inner-Circle is and why it came to exist.
Being a “solopreneur” for nearly 30-years I have come to respect both the upsides and downsides of making a living given this set of circumstances. The ups and downs are accentuated, and the loneliness and lack of direction is too often the norm.
Ideas, strategies, general information, support, motivation, applause and direction are much in demand, but financial limitations prevent many small business from seeking resolution to these needs. Enter my “community” of proactive travel professionals. Our mission is to grow our businesses.
The Inner-Circle was founded to address the above-mentioned needs and to do so at a price point that most agents could easily afford … if only for a few months. Here is the deal:
- Twice a Month Sales Meetings (Webinars) that are recorded for those who cannot attend these meetings live. I conduct these meetings personally. They are usually around 40-minutes and feature some sales or marketing skill.
- Twice a Month “Open-Mic Sessions.” These meetings have no agenda and provide the members with an opportunity to discuss anything on their minds. All is fair.
- Access To Our Members-Only Website. Audios, videos, documents, models, templates, and hundreds of files are available “on-demand” for all Inner-Circle members. All of Mike’s books and Special Reports are available with more documents added weekly.
- Email Access To Mike. Contact Mike at any time for any reason. Sometimes we need some third party input which can be trusted … while other times all we need is confirmation that we are on the right track.
- Inner-Circle FaceBook Group. This is a project in process. We have a FaceBook Group that allows us to share information with other members as well as ask for assistance when needed. This will prove over time to be a valuable feature of the community.
And Now … The Good News. Membership in the Inner-Circle is on a month-to-month basis … with your ongoing satisfaction being the key. Your “risk” is just $19.95/month … if you join now.
A Formal Invitation: I invite you to try this “community” of proactive travel professionals to see for yourself how your career can be significantly enhanced with a little support.
Join my Inner-Circle Today. Begin growing professionally at once. Click Here Now, or on the following link:
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Interest Level’ type=’select’ options=’Interested,Thinking About It,Just Asking’/][contact-field label=’Mike%26#x002c; I have a question for you.’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]FROM A CURRENT MEMBER:
“ I’m not looking for a miracle or for any life changing event. I needed some mentoring. I’m looking for ONE idea every time we get together — one new idea, or a reminder of an old one I haven’t been doing well, or perhaps it’s just an uplifting word of encouragement.
Being in these four walls ALONE, can be lonely. I dial in twice a month and I find I am not alone!!! I’m starting to recognize the names of others at the meetings, too!
Because you encourage us to reach out to you, Mike…I don’t feel intrusive of your time…I’m allowed. And twice I have reached out……..and your responses and response time have been GREAT!
The library of tools you have given us are amazing.
Thanks Mike…I’m enjoying being a part of your Inner Circle, and would encourage my colleagues to join and reap the benefits of someone who wants you to succeed too!”
Shari Marsh, MCC, CLIA Master Cruise Counsellor
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Interest Level’ type=’select’ options=’Interested,Thinking About It,Just Asking’/][contact-field label=’Mike%26#x002c; I have a question for you.’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form][/wpcol_1half_end] mike@mikemarchev.com www.mikemarchev.com