Joining The Inner Circle is no different than placing a bet on yourself and “spinning the wheel.” Once the wheel is in motion “we” must do everything possible to make sure you “win.”
We have eleven months remaining in 2022 to study, prepare and polish your professional act so as things continue to return to a semblance of order you will be in position to take advantage of the NEW travel environment.
Let me remind you that in addition to our sales meetings every two weeks you will have access to my Resource Library. You can review my book BECOME THE EXCEPTION in both text and audio along with my other books and Special Reports. There are motivational video clips, sales and marketing related documents and a complete archive of past sales meetings. TRY TO REFRAIN FROM BINGING. You can visit the library when you are ready for a kick in the pants and perhaps just a motivational shot in the arm.
It is important for you to realize that for the next eleven months (until December 31st, 2022) you are driving the bus. Your future is in your hands. What and how you choose to benefit from our relationship is up to you. We will meet formally online every two weeks and in between you have access to me via email. Don’t fail to “use” me when you need an unbiased opinion of your ideas, strategies and business-building tactics. I will be honest with you and straight forward.
7 Reasons to The Inner Circle
You are provided with the opportunity to personally connect with Mike regarding your current challenges and concerns.
Your creative and proactive strategies will be recognized and reinforced every two weeks during scheduled sales meetings.
You will have access “around-the-clock” access to Mike’s Resource Library consisting of his books, articles, audios and videos and various training tools.
You are provided with the opportunity to collaborate with fellow proactive entrepreneurs in the travel industry. (There is strength in numbers.)
Mike is available to initially edit and/or critique your sales and marketing communications. Email him at any time for any reason and expect a response.
There is no long-term commitment. You continue membership based on your ongoing satisfaction. You can opt out at any time.
You are invited to “private” industry executive interviews. Our last two were with Royal Caribbean’s Vicki Freed and popular industry motivational speaker Stuart Cohen.
Try membership for one month. CLICK HERE.
Mike Marchev