Mike Marchev here back from another great cruise down the Danube. I had to get to Bulgaria to meet up with my “peeps.” Me with my college fraternity brother and my good friend Dougie from Scotland who you know. (Touring knocks it out of the old guys.)
Here Stuart and I are “book-ending” a small group of happy campers.
I thought I would give your musical director, David Onka a quick lesson on how Fred Astair and I once did it. (Video clip below) We had a blast with David. What a great guy.
Here I am (the big bopper) with David and Sonja (our beautiful pianist). For an old guy, “I still got it.”
Our Bulgarian-made table cloth. The highlight of our trip was the visit to a family’s home.
My wife Barbara with our Captain.
Kristin, AMA Rocks On!
All the best my friend.
Mike Marchev