Upgrade is in quotes because I don’t necessarily endorse the concept of “up-selling.” I do, however, endorse the practice of “selling right.”
Note: I put the sales terms “close, up-sell and overcome objections” into the avoid at all costs category. I may be the only sales trainer you will ever meet who thinks like this, no less says so in public. I stand by my position.
But if “right’ is “up” I say go for it.
I also endorse “selling down” if it too is the right thing to do.
Bottom line: Sell right. And right does not mean what is right for you. It means what is right for the customer. This does not always translate to profitability either.
But, over the course of the year, if the account remains profitable, maintain the relationship at all costs. If the account is unprofitable, it may be time to raise your prices or sever relationships with this particular customer.