Everything worthwhile takes longer than first imagined.
I didn’t make this up.
It simply is the way the world spins. And people will not buy when the time is right for you. They will buy when the time is right for them.
When will that be?
Who knows?
If not this month …. next month.
If not this year …..next year.
If not this decade …. next decade.
Hey, if you are not planning to go out of business this week, what’s your hurry? Enjoy the ride and try to learn something along the route.
You have plenty of follow-up to do with the prospects you plugged into your system last year, right?
Your new slogan is to simply keep on keeping on. When your prospects are ready, you will be ready.
Until then, keep building that Database and filling your sales funnel in at the top.
There you have it in easy to swallow spoonfuls.