Inner Circle 11/30/22 Sales Meeting Recording With Notes
Password: circle
Good morning,
I woke up at 4 AM this morning thinking back on yesterday’s meeting. I was not comfortable at the conclusion of yesterday’s meeting thinking that perhaps we did not accomplish what I had in mind. In listening to the audio this morning, I stand corrected. In fact, we covered a great deal yesterday.
Here is a quick review of the proceedings:
- “FINE” is not an acceptable word when it comes to the service we provide.
- Time is flying. What are we waiting for?
- We are magnets. We have the power to either repel or attract people into our lives.
- My role in the inner circle is to stimulate your thinking.
- I shared my San Francisco sailing story highlighting the power of 2nd thank you note.
- Sweet home Chicago is the name of the song that triggered my email to my Chicago friend.
- I suggested that we send notes of appreciation against the grain. (Off times.)
- Your clients affect your eating habits. You can’t thank them enough.
- I shared the story about Barbara’s aunt and the secret behind her youthfulness was that she refused to hang out with anybody older than 50. Lol
- We briefly discussed the logic and power of the known referral chain.
- I highlighted a sound motto to live by: ”The next one could be the big one.”
- I reminded you that I only hang out with good people. By definition that means you must be good people.
- Marty shared with us a large sale which appears to be responsible for postponing his retirement. Go Marty!
- Referencing the World Cup in the recent USA victory over Iran, I reminded you to never let your guard down. “Ole”
- I shared my recent conversation with a potential client where I openly refused the opportunity based on the fact that I didn’t feel that I was the right person for the assignment. This led to further discussion in the ball is now back in my court. I am now writing a proposal. We will see what comes from this.
- I shared my thoughts with you about my seven-step action plan.
- Objectives
- Creating a fun atmosphere
- Hiring intelligently
- Identifying the hot button
- Creating an action plan
- Schedule reviews
- Celebrating
- I introduced the word consistency and suggested that it might be a good word to focus on in 2023.
- I pointed to my wall where I display the four D’s. Desire, Dedication, Determination, Discipline.
- I mentioned the letters CAVU I have taped on my bathroom mirror which stands for ceiling and visibility unlimited.
- Bob suggested that another good word moving into 2023 (borrowing from IBM’s motto) was the word THINK.
- I closed the meeting reminding you that perhaps we all need to say “NO” more often.
So you see, we did cover quite a bit of ground yesterday. I feel better. I hope you do too.
See you two weeks. Until then, keep planning for 2023 and try to bring joy to somebody’s day every day.