You Did Not Invent The Rut.
Life unfolds as a sine wave. Up and down it goes as if by strict adherence to an unwritten law. Understanding these “tides” of life help define your emotional intelligence quotient.
Itis this emotional intelligence that sees you through the lows in your life. It also is there to remind you that your highs in all probability will be fleeting. If you want me to get all fancy-shmancy you can refer to it as your EIQ. (Emotional Intelligence Quotient.) Yes, I can toss around some big words too.
We all have lows for one of a million reasons. Most of us get through them in a reasonable semblance of good health and well-being in a timely fashion. Others, however, fail to see these low points for what they are … learning experiences and very much a part of life.
Remember this: You did not invent “the funk” and you will experience “ruts” until you saddle up for the last time and ride off into the sunset. Yes, I can toss in a little poetic imagery from time to time as well.
Listen to me. You did not invent the rut.
Less than 4 minutes:
1. Sometimes we just don’t feel like it.
2. You can’t stay “down” too long.
3. Call a trusted “upbeat” friend. (Not a bummer.)
4. Understand that you are in good company when you find yourself wading through the muddy water. (The quagmires of life.)
5. These negative feelings are temporary. (You must believe me.)
6. In time you will be back in the game.
7. “The mind quits first.” Train your mind. Take over your decision-making process.
8. Onward and upward! You are not meant to be anything but successful.
Mike here.
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