Mike Marchev’s Six-Week Sales Course For Travel Professionals.
Lesson #2: Niche Marketing

You can’t be all things to all people. Generalists tread water. Specialists rise to the top. Become the best in the business at what you do.

Training Information
Video Time: 1:00
In this module I’m going to focus on the importance of having the proper mindset and attitude. Don’t sell this aspect of your business short. The most important lesson I learned while training for The Ironman is that “The Mind Quits First.” As soon as you get your head in order the sooner you will begin enjoying a profitable travel business.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

More “Niche Marketing” Educational Materials

Niche Marketing PDF Handout: Download Here.
Handouts: Memory Jogger CLICK HERE.
5 Reason Explanation Document. CLICK HERE.
5 Reason Sample (Mine) CLICK HERE.
Eye Contact – The Marchev Letter. CLICK HERE.
- Sales Mistake #3: Not listening to the prospect …is a mistake
- Sales Mistake #4: Not empathizing with the prospect
Marketing Mistakes 3 & 4
Mistake #3. You are not client centered.
Most customers are getting tired of hearing companies chant the “CUSTOMER SERVICE MANTRA.” Based on my experiences inthe marketplace, chances are pretty good that most companies are full of baloney.
There are a great number of organizations out there whostill don’t know how to spell customer service, no less how to deliver iton a regular and consistent basis. DAMN FEW!
Allow me to clarify. You might be good at it — servicing your clients — now and then —— when you feel like it. But how often is that? Based on my experiences … not often enough.
Customer service has nothing to do with “smile training” or reminding me to “have a nice day” in a monotone bordering on boredom. It is more than what you say. It is all about knowing which side of the bread the butter goes on and who makes
your job possible. It is knowing where the money comes from and whose satisfaction level is key.
It is coming to work living and breathing the fact that without paying customers you could stay in bed all day with nothing to do but worry about your future eating habits.
When a customer says jump, you say “how high?” When a customer wants “2” you deliver “2×2.” Get it?
If you wake up in the morning andthefirst thing out of your mouth does not sound like the noise “customer,” then you have some work to do.
I am often asked, “Mike, is the customer always right?” Of course not. The customer is often dead wrong. But, the customer always, always, always is the customer.
Until you decide otherwise.
If you don’t particularly care about how the economic system works, you can be right. Go ahead. Be right. Otherwise, work with the feelings and thoughts and buying habits of the customer. Until you hear otherwise, customers will continue to make the world spin on its axis.
Mistake # 4. You have no marketing plan.
I don’t want you to jump ship on this one. Very few people in business today have a marketing plan. Most well-intentioned folks have a “wing-it” plan. They have a “we try harder” plan. They have an “I’m a nice person so I deserve success” plan, and they all call them Marketing Plans. No such luck!
The reason they don’t have a plan is because in order to have a marketing plan, they must know what “marketing” is … or means … and how it works. They don’t.
This does not make them bad people. It does make them struggling people in need for some degree of direction.[/text_block]