Mike Marchev’s Six-Week Sales Course For Travel Professionals
Week 3: Target Marketing

When you are ready to start building your business the right way — without squandering your limited resources and just plain wasting your time — you might want to begin doing what works.

This Week’s Training Module:
It is always easier to hit a target once you know what it looks like. Too many travel professionals played a game of pray and spray when it comes too trying To grow their businesses. Module number three we’ll teach you how to identify those people who will eventually result with an acceptable return on your investment I’m both time and resources. Target marketing will be largely responsible for your success. Please give this module you’re focused attention.

Target Marketing PDF Download (Click Here)
The Mike Marchev Sales Project
Week 3: Target Marketing
1. Watch The Intro Video
2. Watch Video 2 (The Workshop)
3. Watch the Bonus Video Clip 4. Listen to the Bonus Audio File
5. Read Sales Mistake 5 & 6.
6. Read Marketing Mistake 5 & 6.
7. Do the Homework
“Selling is no longer a numbers game. Selling today closely resembles a game of darts.” Mike Marchev
Target Marketing is a concept that is both logical and instrumental in your success. Just as you would not dream of asking just anybody to marry you, you should not go blindly into the marketplace and ask just anybody to enter a business relationship with you. In both cases, an initial knee-jerk judgment error could prove to be disastrous. It could also lead to a significant waste of time and energy. The concept is simple. Pick a target and then take aim at that target. Decide who you would like to do business with and then go meet them. Once you meet them, get to know them better. Then, and only then can you decide if they are your kind of “people.” You can make an educated decision whether to do business with them or not. It is ill-advised to do business with anybody who has the capabilities to ‘fog-a-mirror.” Pick your partners wisely so you can live happily ever after. This holds true in business as it does in matrimony. Here is the sales class for week 3. Additional sales and marketing nuggets will be listed below the video. (Session really begins at 40 seconds.) The “Flyer” Letter The flyer letter is meant to be an “idea generator.” It serves a double purpose as it also reminds your prospects and customers that you are still in business and eager to be of assistance. There are no downsides to writing a “flyer letter.” I refer to it as a “flyer letter” because that is exactly what you are doing … take a flyer. You don’t care if your prospect or client does not “bite,” you are having fun coming up with ideas. Think of it as a customer service game. “I have an idea. Do you want to hear it?” Keep these letters short and they will be read. If you can manage to include an active “hook,” they will be responded to. (A “hook” is a topic of interest or commonality.) Like just about everything you do, there is no right or wrong way to write a “flyer letter.” Here is an example. flyer letter 1
Sales Mistake #5: Seeing Your Prospect As an Adversary (Click)
Sales Mistake #6: Becoming Distracted (Click)
Marketing Mistake #5: You are not persistent
The Rule of 7 comes to mind whenever I talk about “persistence.” The Rule of 7 states: To make an impact in a strangers mind, you must contact them a minimum of seven times in each 18-month period. Most people quit or give up after the first rejection. A majority of those remaining quit after try #2. Seven contacts) is the secret. There really is nothing magical about the number seven but you don’t want to become a nuisance. By airing out your contacts over time you eliminate much of the chance of “bugging” people. i.e. the 18 month time frame. As long as you contact them with information they consider to be useful, you have little fear of overdoing your welcome. The secret is to “keep on keeping on.” Preferably, with good, solid, meaningful information that is relevant to your prospects. A popular way of keeping your name in front of your targeted audience is by clipping a meaningful article from a newspaper or magazine and stapling it to your business card. Period. (Oh yeh, and then sending it to somebody.) You can send a simple, one-page letter that contains a column or two of easy-to-read “news.” This is affectionately known as a “newsletter.” Mine is different from your graphically correct, four-color beauties. Mine consists of a letter with some news in it. (How clever am I?) Whatever you decide to do, it is most important that you don’t become a hit-and-run artist. This is what becomes of most would-be marketers. They start strong and fade fast. You need to develop aprocess, or a system, and stay with it week after week, month after month, year after year. That iswherewe get the reputation for PERSISTENCE.
Marketing Mistake #6. You expect the prospect to do too much work.
Let’s get this clear once and for all. It is your business. It is your life. It is your future. You have yours and I have mine. Others have theirs. And very seldom do the twains meet.
If you want to do or accomplish something, (anything), it is entirely up to you. If you want to speak to me, and you call me and leave a message, it is not my responsibility to call you back. You wanted to talk to me, remember? You must keep on calling until you accomplish your goal.
Don’t expect me to care about you or your problems. I have enough of my own thank you very much. If you want to succeed in this or any other business, decide what it is that YOU must do ……and then do it.
Here are seven (7) sales lessons: CLICK HERE.