Today. Now. This minute. Pick up your pen, grab a clean sheet of paper (or sit your bad self down in front of your computer) and write that letter you have been talking about for the last six months.
In ten minutes the “chore” will be yesterday’s news and just think how good you will feel. Better yet. Think of what good just might come from this very small investment in time.
It’s not the words that will make such a big difference. It is the fact that you have taken the time to do it. Today, more than any time in history, people know the right thing to do. They just don’t do it. And in most instances, their excuse is spelled out in a four letter word = T-I-M-E.
Make the time. Find the time. Steal the time. Just write that note that has been affecting your sleeping habits for so long. And you know what will happen? You will find yourself chastising yourself for taking so long to get back on track … and you will write another one tomorrow … and the next day … and the next day.
Soon, thanks to this little discipline, you will find yourself back on top of the heap, smiling through each and every day while finding more joy in your chosen career path.
So, I’ll say it again: “What are you waiting for?”