A few of you have hats like the one pictured below. The letters L-I-G stand for Life Is Good. www.lifeisgood.com
While strolling down Delray Beach’s Atlantic Avenue one Saturday evening with my wife, sister and niece, we popped into a store that carried the LIG line and as a book junkie knows no boundaries, I exited with a simple book of reminders that Life Is Good for those who want to see it that way.
On one of the pages there was a simple picture (they are all simple pictures) of a snowman with the accompanying phrase:
“Whatever you are, be a good one.”
I recognized this as obvious advice, but how many people do you confront on any given day that are not good at what they do? How many are simply going through the motions long enough, and just good enough to keep their jobs and cash their next paycheck? How many are down-and-out lousy at what they do?
I am not suggesting that you are good, bad or indifferent. You are who you are and you are what you are. I am strongly suggesting (recommending) that you find a way to get better in both instances (who & what).
If you can’t muster up the energy, courage, or ambition to get better at who you are and what you do, then perhaps it is time to begin editing and updating your resume.
By the way, the two brothers who founded “Life Is Good” (now multi-millionaires) started out of the back of their truck selling t-shirts for five years before stumbling on the formula that gave people hope and lined their wallets with beau-coup geeters.
Some things just take time. (If you need a daily reminder of this fact, just look at any tree in your marketplace. Deep!)
Hey! I will soon be 69 and I have forgotten how to make this thing called business complicated. Since I managed to fog my bathroom mirror again this morning, I guess that implies my life is still in motion.
Get up, get out and make somebody’s day today, tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Be special. Become The Exception.
“Whatever you choose to be, be a good one.”