October 25, 2017
October 11, 2017
September 27, 2017
September 13, 2017
August 30, 2017
August 16, 2017
August 2, 2017
July 19, 2017
July 5, 2017
June 25, 2017
June 7, 2017
May 26, 2017
May 10, 2017
April 26, 2017
March 29, 2017
March 15, 2017
February 16, 2017
FEBRUARY 1, 2017
January 18, 2017
December 29, 2016
December 14, 2016
November 30, 2016
November 16, 2016
November 1, 2016
October 20, 2016
October 6, 2016
September 21, 2016
September 7, 2016
August 24, 2016
August 10, 2016
July 27, 2016
July 13, 2016
June 29, 2016
June 15, 2016
June 2, 2016
May 20, 2016
Inner Circle Sales Meeting
15 Selling Tips
Special 3rd Thursday Webinar
May 19, 2016
May 9, 2016
March 30, 2016
March 16, 2016
March 2, 2016
February 17 , 2016
February 3, 2016
January 20, 2016
January 6, 2016
Yearly Kick-Off
December 9, 2015
November 25, 2015
Sales Meeting
November 12, 2015
Sales Meeting
October 27, 2015
October 14, 2015
September 30, 2015
September 16, 2015
September 2, 2015
August 19, 2015
August 7, 2015
July 15, 2015
July 2, 2015
June 18, 2015
June 3, 2015
May 20, 2015
May 6, 2015
April 22, 2015
April 15, 2015
April 1, 2015
March 18, 2015
March 3, 2015
Special Guest Interview with Penney Rudicil
Social Media
February 18, 2015
February 4, 2015
January 22, 2015
January 7, 2015
December 29, 2014
December 17, 2014
Christmas Party
December 10, 2014
Recorded “Live” From The Barnes & Noble Parking Lot.
(A 15-minute re-do covering the major points.)
December 3, 2014
November 13, 2014
November 5, 2014
October 1, 2014
September 17, 2014
August 20, 2014
August 6, 2014
July 23, 2014
July 10, 2014
July 2, 2014
June 24, 2014
June 18, 2014
Click on the following link to see this week’s sales meeting.
May 21, 2014
May 7, 2014
Survey Monkey
April 23, 2014
April 9, 2014
Inner Circle Sales Meeting
March 26, 2014
Special Guest: Gary Murphy (AmaWaterways)
March 12, 2014
Member John Schmitt Presenting
“Flipping The Selling Model”
February 26, 2014
Five Mistakes Plus More
February 12, 2014
January 30, 2014: Sales Meeting #2.
January 15, 2014: Our first sales meeting of the new year.
January 2, 2014: I am out on The Brilliance of the Seas working with 35 professional travel agents. Here is a little reminder for you until I get back.
Sales Meeting December 18, 2013
Sales Meeting, December 11, 2013
Sales Meeting —-November 21, 2013
Sales Meeting October 31, 2013
Sales Meeting October 15, 2013
Sales Meeting October 2, 2013
September 4, 2013
August 22, 2013
August 7, 2013: Deal Sharing; Promotion; Short Cuts
July 24, 2013
July 10, 2013
June 26, 2013
May 29, 2013
The video did not sync with the audio, so I decided to simply upload the audio re-do. Just 17-minutes. Give it a listen.
May 15, 2013
May 1, 2013
Before you review today’s sales meeting, I want you to listen to Jim Rohn for 3 minutes. His words will help shake you out of your rut. Jim is no longer with us but he was one of the best. Take a listen… 3 minutes.
April 17, 2013
April 3, 2013
March 20, 2013
For some reason the video did not sync with the audio. Just listen to the audio today. It is filled with good information. I will be working on the sync snag. (It is always “something.”)
March 6th, 2013
February 20, 2013
February 6, 2013
January 23, 2013
January 9, 2013
Sales Meeting: December 19th, 2012
Our Annual Christmas Meeting
Sales Meeting: December 5th, 2012
Sales Meeting: November 7th, 2012
A Potpourri of Reminders
Sales Meeting: October 24th, 2012
3-Step Sales Strategy
Sales Meeting: October 3rd, 2012
At the end of today’s session we discussed a sales letter.
Click here to see my initial draft.
Sales Meeting: September 19, 2012
Sales Meeting: September 5, 2012
Sales Meeting: August 22nd, 2012
Energy & Leverage. Featuring The Importance of Getting Over Your Hurdles … Fast.
Sales Meeting: August 8th, 2012
19 Statistics That Support a Visual Approach …and More
Sales Meeting: July 24th, 2012
15 Marketing Mistakes and More…
- Nobody owes you a living. You must make your own future.
- The best time to stat anything was … yesterday. The next best time … today.
- Build a business worth talking about. The Leaning Tower Pisa.
- The Open Golf Example: Who is next?
- Marketing Mistake #1: You don’t know to whom you are marketing.
- Marketing Mistake #2: You don’t know why your customers buy.
- Marketing Mistake #3: You are not client centered.
- Marketing Mistake #4: You have no marketing plan.
- Marketing Mistake #5: You are not persistent.
- Marketing Mistake #6: You expect the prospect to do too much work.
- Marketing Mistake #7: You don’t go for the jugular.
- Marketing Mistake #8: You are boring people.
- Marketing Mistake #9: You fail to connct sufficiently often.
- Marketing Mistake #10: You let past customers get away.
- Marketing Mistake #11: You don’t seek to upgrade … sell what is right.
- Marketing Mistake #12: You are not ready when customers are ready to buy.
- Marketing Mistake #13: You are not thinking like a marketer.
- Marketing Mistake #14: You don’t use “what-next” thinking.
- Marketing Mistake #15: You get disapointed and give up too soon.
Sales Meeting: July 11th, 2012
Sales Meeting #13: The Olympics Are Coming!
- Nolan Burris helped me open the show and he highlighted the major point that it is all about “how can I help you?”
- Make no mistake about it, relationships today are the key to your success.
- Book: The Art of The Sale: Leaning From The Masters About Business and Life — by Philip Delves Broughton
- Quote: “Then it really does become about relationships and trust.” Boeing Airplane Salesman
- It is all about “helping” people.
- True friends are just a “ring away.”
- Marketing: Keep It Simple. Don’t be too cutesy. Shoot from the hip. Talk to me.
- Our Main Menu is new and hopefully, easier to surf.
- The Olympics are life in motion. Watch the London Olympics. The games are life lessons in action.
- Gail the insurance lady. Lesson: Answer the phone like you are glad I called. Most people “suck” at this simple chore.
- Use our members-only website.
- Kaizen: Incremental improvement. You have to do stuff … consistently … no excuses.
- The concept of “discipline” more often than not, is the problem.
- Use your budget, time and personality to select your marketing activities … then do them.
- Commit to your success.
- Read one Inner-Circle document each day. (One) Then think about the message. Read or listen or watch.
- Loma Washington: Answer the phone like your future depends on it … because it does.
- Drop Your Rock! Whatever you are using to hold you back … lose it … drop it.
- The More-On Series Cover: Check out $5.00
- Chapter Two: Client Focus in The More-On Marketing Book. How can I help YOU? Think C-L-I-E-N-T
- Have fun! Check it out.
- Don’t spend too much time being a jerk. And don’t allow the “stiffs” to bring you down.
- Check out The Inner Circle Special Reports
- Don’t fret about “public speaking.” Decide to share what you know with others.
- Draft a “Feeler” Letter. Who wants to learn what I know to be the truth? Anybody? (You know what you are talking about.) If you are not a goon, something good will come from this.
- The “SECRET.” Get people to raise their hand. Who is interested in … ? Who wants it?
- Help can be found at or
- Ready? Fire! Aim. “It is amazing to me that in order to strike oil you have to dig a hole.” Tom Peters.
- The fastest way to the truth is to fail. (Yep. You read that right.)
- Write a letter that looks like a letter that contains news. (How clever is that?) How often should you write one? Whenever your message can improve upon the silence. The Marchev Letter. Think about it.
- Special Guest … FaceBook Specialist … Sophie Bujold.
Sales Meeting: June 20th, 2012
Sales Meeting #12
Today was less than technically sound. I had to do a do-over … a mulligan … and second taping. Thanks Larry for monitoring the proceedings. I think this second “shot” will prove to be a-OK.
Meeting Notes:
- My latest reading: The Art Of The Sale . What book(s) are you reading?
- Building a business is a lot like growing grass.
- Don’t skimp on new ideas.
- Read Chapter 1 of Become The Exception. ID five new target prospects.
- Use our website more to stimulate your thinking.
- Keep things simple.
- Get interested people to raise their hands.
- Ener the conversation your prospect is already having with themselves.
- Don’t be boring.
- 2 plus 2 will always equal 4. Trust in the basics
- You are building a business one customer at a time
- Kudao to Bob S and Larry J.
- Printing Source:
- Graphic help:
- Telephone Tips 1- 5
- Do not allow “summer” to be an excuse. Or Fridays.
- Companies to emulate:
- Apple
- Fed-X
- Nordstrom
- Amazon
- Coke
- Ford
- Southwest
- Target
- Nike
- Starbucks
- Your client is my prospect. Protect your clients.
- Focus on the details.
- I will see you at the next meeting.
Sales Meeting: June 6th, 2012
Sales Meeting #11
Today was another fun session. Thanks Rick for monitoring the preceedings.
We began today’s meeting with two items taken from the mail bag: The Zumba/Mexico Project and an article permission letter.
Both models will be uploaded to our website soon … under the “Letters” Heading. We touched on the importance of “Headlines” and we reviewed a few astatistics supporting “Repetition.” I made a point to avoid the many excuses that are ready-made for those who are not committed to their success. Summer is coming. Don’t fall victim to the many excuses that come with it.
What’s Important Now? W-I-N The primary message here I suppose is … PRIORITIES.
The importance of finding “balance” in our lives was highlighted prior to reviewing a number of nuggets.
- Speed in Follow Up.
- The Importance of Proper Word Selection
- Giving good “Phone”
- Building Your List
- Trying New Things
- Notecard Friday
- Like-ability
- Working Smarter
- Keeping A Watch On Your Small Talk
- Introducing a NEW Section: New Videos Uploaded. 1-Minute Sales Meetings
- Learning To Work With The Internt
- Utilizing Business Card Real Estate To The Max
- Thinking Before Buying Email Addresses
- Implementing Your 12-Word Marketing Plan
Although the GoToWebinar System seems to be working well, I miss the two-way dialogue. I mentioned that we will have “Open-Mic” Sessions from time to time to give us all an opportunity to chat together. Stay tuned for more information on this idea.
Sales Meeting: May 23rd, 2012
Sales Meeting #10
Notes: Get a mentor. I have Nolan Buris and Stuart L. Cohen.
I tossed out a few challenges today:
1. Call a handful of clients to thank them for their support.
2. Ask for a few referrals.
3. Work on a six word self description. (Exercise #1)
“Tossed a ball. Had a ball.”
4. Draft an article.
5. Write a Q & A Column.
6. Send locals a copy of their news item.
7. Speak to your local students.
8. Interview local authorities as a research project.
9. Use post cards.
10. Write a letter with news in it.
10A. Have more fun growing your business knowing
that you can’t help everybody.
Sales Meeting: May 2nd, 2012

Click above to listen to today’s meeting.
Meeting #9 Notes: 5.2.12
- We shared in LJ 24-hour sold out (10 cabins by design) cruise … for over $5K per head. That is $5000 per person. 24 hours! With a waiting list.
- You are the specialist. Remind people what they think does not need reminding. Like, that your airplane is owned by American Airlines and not US Airways.
- Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Say it — do it. If you are not going to do it — don’t say it.
- Your customer is my prospect.
- Spend the bulk of your time working with people you already know and who already know you.
- Visibility remains your largest issue.
- Kaizen = incremental improvement.
- Your choice of words will make a huge difference.
- Open sales vs close sales
- Present vs pitch
- Address concerns vs overcome objections
- Right sell vs up sell
- 15-Second Marketing Message vs Elevator Speech
Sales Meeting: April 18th, 2012
Click above to listen to today’s meeting.
Meeting #8 Notes: 4.18.12
- Next Meeting is on May 2nd, 2012
- Remember the two types of people. Those you can help and the “other” kind.
- It is your business. Run it like you want to run it.
- Allow people to “eliminate” themselves.
- Remain friendly and professional … always.
- Last Impressions are the important ones.
- Be sure to invite “everybody” back, if you want them to come back.
- Example: Car-Fix-It-Man. Last impressions!
- Consistency is the secret.
- People will “shop” you and the Internet. Know this.
- Leverage: How can you maximize every effort of yours? (Nashville example
- I interviewed a sales professional in a very demanding business. You are in good company when it comes to sales frustrations.
From “More-On” Marketing, page 7
- 75% of sales people quit too soon.
- Most sales result after a relationship is established.
- People buy things from people they like.
- The first sale is the easy one. The third sales is the ‘meaningful” one.
- When you are out of sight, you are out of mind.
- Until people know you are alive, nothing good can happen.
- The BEST strategy is to get people to come to you.
- Persistence is the “key.”
- People do not “reject” you. Get over it. It is not about “you.”
- People don’t read. Keep your message short.
- Send more handwritten “thank-you” cards. (They WILL read this.)
- Your email SUBJECT LINE is more important than you think.
- The devil is in the details.
- Enthusiasm sells!
- How you say it is more important than what you say. (With explanation)
- Don’t sell Fridays short.
- You can always improve.
- Change what you can change … YOU.
Sales Meeting: April 4th, 2012
Meeting #7 Notes: 4.4.12
1. Note Cards saying “Thank-You” work. Do what works. Write more handwritten notes.
2. Dig up “old” clients and reintroduce yourself. You did nothing wrong other than to ignore these potential income providers.
3. You may think you are good at multi-tasking. YOU ARE NOT GOOD AT THIS. What you become good at is screwing up two things at once. FOCUS.
4. When was the last time you got jammed up? Go to my blog and read this entry.
5. If you are not Google Alerting your name, do so at once. Learn how to Google Alert.
6. Re: Stevie Nicks. Message: Do Your Homework. People will notice. People will appreciate you for it.
7. Blue Bloods TV Show. “When was the last time you got jammed-up?” When you make a mistake, move on. Your problem is you may not be making enough mistakes. Fail faster. You heard it here. It is okay. Get jammed-up!
8. What do penquins have to do with anything? They all look the same. You see one, you see them all. I love penquins. But I admire the white Polar Bear. When this guy enters the frame, people take notice. Be a PB.
9. Underlines: Disney Example – page 98. “Cut your tethers and dream about becoming …” Drop your rock! Make it your business to get where you want to go.
10. E-Myth. “Nothing escapes your customer.” People are watching you.
- “Where the action is.” Reality is imbedded in your customer’s mind.
- “Sales are made in the first few seconds.” Don’t blow your entry.
- Headlines make a huge impression. (Email Subject Boxes serve the same purpose.)
- Reality? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You can think whatever you want to think. What does your customer think?
- Find a need sand fill it. What you think does not count. Let your client do the talking. Ask more questions.
- Get up. Get out. Make people happy. Your 12-Word Marketing Plan. Truly, those 12 words are all you need. Plans don’t work. Planning makes you think about important considerations.
- Find a “direction” and make decisions that positively affect that direction.
- Continuous improvement: Kaizen. What have you done today?
- It is your life. Take advantage of conference attendance. “Milk” your presenters. Be the last to leave.
Robert Middleton “Stuff”: Bizarro Marketing
- You don’t reach out enough.
- Send email reminders. Once you fall below the “fold,” you are “gone.” It is your job to stay visible.
- Out of sight = out of mind.
- Networking: You talk too much. Ask more questions. Be sincerely interested in others. It works miracles
NASCAR drivers go around and around in circles. And keep on driving. And do it again for a couple of hundred laps. Their life depends on their effectiveness and skill. I just defined your job perfectly.
Find the people ———- help the people.
Sales is not hard. Marketing is not hard. Digging a hole in the summer sun is hard. Get this straight. Your job is not hard.
Remember how The Easter Egg Hunt works. Your job is one giant Easter Egg Hunt. Your “catch” is a lot better than a bunch of lousy colored embryos. Go find those “prizes.” Speed wins in Easter Egg Hunts … as it does in business.
It is the year 2012. Nobody trusts anybody. Thisw presents an enormous opportunity. Get good. Be trustworthy.
Read a book … preferably about business. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Referred books: Hug Your Clients by Jack Mitchell
Become The Exception by Mike Marchev
More-On Marketing by Mike Marchev
More-On Mondays by Mike Marchev
See you at the next sales meeting.
Sales Meeting: March 21st, 2012
Click above to listen to today’s meeting.
Meeting #6 Recap:
Guest Stuart Cohen reminded us that when things unfold less than perfectly, he 1) regroups, 2) calls one of his mentors, 3) exercises. These three tips are right on the money. We are all in this together and “stuff” does happen. It is important to realize that you are not in this alone.
Time Management: 60% of your sales and marketing time needs to be devoted to current clients.
30% of your time should be directed toward rekindling old relationships.
10% (the rest) can be directed toward uncovering new opportunities.
- Headline Exercise: Go to school on other people’s headlines. Magazines, newspapers etc. The people who are “paid” to write these attention-getting lines know a little bit about what they are doing. Pay attention, and borrow when you can … from where you can.
- Email reminders (Send Twice). Once your email falls below the current screen … you are “outta-there!”
- Job Resume
- Google ALERTS (If you are not at least “Alerting” your name, do so at once.
- Word of Mouth Marketing
- Barnes & Noble (Go to the Magazine Section and browse for marketing articles in non-industry rags.
Branding: Let’s adopt some of these successful attributes as our own.
Check out Entrepreneur Article Here.
- Amazon – Personal Experience
- Coke – Happy
- Fed X – Live Their Promise
- Apple – Cool and Fun
- Target – Design & Experience
- Ford – Consistency
- Nike – Can Do Attitude
- Starbucks – Forge connection
- SW Airlines – Quirkiness
- Nordstrom – Focus on Customer
Sales Meeting: March 7th, 2012
Click Here to watch and listen to today’s meeting.
Meeting Agenda:
- The logic behind hiting “singles.” (I did not say “hitting on” singles. It is a baseball analogy. Come on … focus you guys.
- There is that five letter word again … NICHE! (The Irish Pub)
- If something is working … keep working it. Send it again.
- The 1-Sheet. Think about it, and then draft a lousy one-sheet.
- “Article? I can’t write an article.” Yes you can.
- Looking for help in all the right places.
- The hardest “sales job” in the world. Stay tuned.
Sales Meeting #4
Today’s Meeting Agenda:
- Niche Marketing
- The Shiny Bauble Syndrome
- Procrastination (The Dining Room Lamp Story)
- Hot Buttons (The Ft. Lauderdale Transfer Story)
- Persistence (Your next “swing”)
- Give Your Ideal Prospect a Name.
- Google Alerts
- Visual Importance (The Notre Dame Story)
- Feel vs Real (The Golf Example)
- Communication (I want to hear from more of you.)
- Posture. A Woman They Call Francis
- Website Are VERY Important. You need one. Get one.
Sales Meeting: February 8th, 2012
- Nolan Burris surprise call-in. He will be joining us for a full session one of these days.
- Collaboration (The MIke and Nolan Show
- Home-Based can be lonely
- You can do more
- Get yourself into position to win
- Get people to contact you
- Once they call, don’t screw it up
- Don’t multi-task
- Make people feel comfortable
- Last week’s reciew (see below)
- The 52-Week Sales Planner
- The Mike and Nolan Show
- Bridge line:
- Open rates: email vs personal letter
- Tighten your focus
- The 3-Letter Strategy
- Always use a P.S. (post script)
- “Shoppers” are good things
- Create a “Letter Bank”
- $14,615 piece of exercixe equipment. (Holy Cow!
Sales Meeting: January 25, 2012
Sales Meeting #2,
Notes: Click Here
- Send me an email:
- Fail faster. It is your quickest way to success.
- Be authentic. Be real. Be you.
- People have a tendency to believe what they read.
- Live by The Rule of 12. (Visibility without becoming obnoxious.)
- Kaizen: Incremental improvement. (Clean out your sock draw one pair at a time.)
- Do now, before you panic later.
- Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
- Change your words. Change your world. Youtube video … below.
- TGIT! Thank Goodness It’s Today.
- Send me your “commandments.”
- Next meeting … new phone number. Feb 8, 2012
Sales Meeting #1: January 11, 2012
Phone: (308) 344-6400 Pin: 498588
In this initial session I will make certain that the group knows how to surf the website.
Discussion Point: LISTENING
- Coming Events
- Reminders, Stimulators & Motivators
- Idea & Momentum Generators
- Become The Exception (38 Chapters)
- The Best Of … Series (43 Lessons)
- Business-Building Training Modules
- Special Reports
- Sales Professional’s Alphabet
- 52-Week Sales Planner
- More-On Series
- How-To Presentations
Meeting #1: Download Link. AudioMeeting #2: Download Link AudioMeeting #3:Meeting #4: Download Link AudioMeeting #5: Download Link AudioMeeting #6:Meeting #7:Meeting #8:Meeting #9:Meeting #10:Meeting #11:Meeting #12: