This Is Marketing Lesson #4
with Mike Marchev
Your Email Marketing Campaign
Perhaps the biggest reason why people fail in growing their customer base is that they believe that the prospect remembers who they are. Don’t flatter yourself. Remember these two things:
(1) It is foolish to feel rejected when a sale does not go your way because … it is not about you.
(2) Whenever you are out of sight, you are most probably out of mind. Because e-mail is so easy, this vehicle is often abused. You must be very careful when emailing your prospects and customers.
Here are three more things to keep in mind.
It is always in your best interest if your prospects “opt in” which gives you permission to contact them in the future.
2. Always give them an opportunity to “opt out.”
3. Keep your message brief and on point.
Very Important. If you think about it, you will agree that it is the SUBJECT line that affects your decision to either read or delete an email … any email. Therefore, doesn’t it make sense to craft (write) an enticing SUBJECT the next time you invest your time and energy in writing an email in the first place. I assume you wan the reader to read the blasted thing … not DELETE it. Spend more focused and creative time writing SUBJECT LINES.
I am going to make an exception to this “brief” thing. This particular project is not “brief” because it is a marketing course —by definition. It takes more space and time to get my message across to you. That is exactly why I call it a “course.” Write your e-mails in ASCII format, or text.
This will insure that everyone receiving your message will be able to read it. No, it won’t be pretty, but I am sure that you have received messages with all sorts of funny marks salted throughout the message. This is because your computer could not read the message using the same software that wrote it. To play it safe, write in text format. This can be read by everybody. *** This is becoming less of a fear as computers become more sophisticated. Also, make every effort to keep each line to a maximum of 65
characters. This will eliminate uneven line wraps. An uneven line wrap looks like this:
This marketing course (I think) is a good
example of using e-mail Marketing. First, you
me permission to send it.
This marketing course (I think) is a good example of using e-mail
First, you gave me permission to send it.
Second, it is arriving at the promised sequence.
Third: It has a defined lifespan – 7 lessons.
Fourth: You can opt out anytime.
Fifth: I hope you are finding it to be useful.
In addition to courses like this, you can send Ezines which are simply electronic magazines. You can also send periodic announcements. You will be receiving a “periodic announcement” from me from time to time.The dual purpose remains the same: To remain visible while bringing something of value to the party on a regular basis.
As you become more experienced with e-mail marketing, you can contact me to ask about “sequential autoresponders.” That is what I am using to send each of my seven lessons to you in a timely sequence. I use www.1shoppingcart.com You might want to check them out. I couldn’t exist without them. (It is not free.)
Time to take a “flyer.” Go call somebody you have not spoken to in some time. Do it now before they beat you to the punch.
Need a speaker for your next meeting? How about … me? Mike Marchev mike@mikemarchev.com
Mike Marchev & Associates
358 Griggs Road
Springfield Center, NY
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