I know I do. And talking is the way I make my living. Follow today’s train of thought.
Assume for the moment you are looking for a job. Your Resume looks like every other Resume. The secret, as I recently told my nephew is to package yourself as something different … something special … something unique. Take a risk. Stand out from the rank and file. Don’t just be “another.”
(Stay with me. You are looking for a new piece of business. And every travel agent in the country looks, sounds and acts the same. Your job is similar to that of the new job candidate. Are you following me?)
Not that I know any personally, but don’t the people who review the Resumes know that job candidates will not put a lousy reference or a failed experience up in lights? If I were reviewing Resumes, I would simply look the candidate in the eye and say, “Let’s skip the glowing puffery and cut right to the chase. Why should I hire you?”
Back to your personal scenario. With our world filling up with me-too only better, faster and cheaper options out there, I would think a service provider who looked me directly in the eye and told me what they could do for me … with words I could understand … might just get my attention.
Resume Example
Name: Mike Marchev
Contributions to your organization: (1) I will be at work every single day on time. (2) I will be at work presentable and alert (3) I will be coachable, and do what needs doing. When do I start?
Travel Example
Name: Mike Marchev
Contribution to your organization: (1) We will answer the phone. (2) We will research and deliver the appropriate options in a timely fashion. (3) We will provide you with a sincere, honest and clear recommendation based on the information shared with us. (4) We will call you back in a timely fashion and do what we say we will do. (5) We will make doing business with us fun, stress-free and easy. When do we start?
Your prospects and customers are not morons. All they want is to find somebody they can trust and rely on who is professional enough to get the job done.
Let’s cut out much of the rhetoric and cut right to the bottom line. When do you start?