MAST Annual Conference / Memphis, TN
MIKE MARCHEV – 848.702.1009 *
WHAT A GREAT CONFERENCE! What a great group of travel professionals.
I enjoyed our brief time together in Memphis. The fact that you took the time and made the investment to attend this educational opportunity speaks volumes as for your professionalism.
Here is the supportive information I referenced during my Keynote on Saturday. Since repetition is the key to learning, I hope you find time to review each trigger while focusing on the importance and significance of each one . NEWS FLASH! This stuff works.
You came. You listened. You learned. Now it is time to “do.”
8 Mental Buying Triggers
Mental Trigger Explanation: CLICK HERE
- Authority:
- Reciprocity:
- Trust:
- Anticipation:
- Likability:
- Community:
- Scarcity:
- Social Proof:
Business Mistakes
Business Mistakes To Avoid: CLICK HERE
- You don’t know to whom you are marketing.
- You don’t know why customers buy.
- You are not client centered.
- You don’t plan.
- You are not persistent.
- You expect too much from your prospect.
- You are boring people.
- You don’t ask for the business.
- You fail to connect often enough.
- You don’t sell what is “right” for your client.
- You are not ready to sell.
- You think like an order taker.
- You don’t use “what-next” thinking.
- You give up and quit too soon.
- You let past customers slip away.
Selling Strategies
16 Selling Strategies: CLICK HERE.
- Maintain relationships (Current Customers)
- Dance with who brought you (Former Clients)
- Influential power (Suppliers)
- Blitz your territory (Mini-Blitz)
- Less is more (Postcards)
- The Marketing 2-step (Raise Your Hand)
- Promotional reminders (Newspaper Clippings)
- Everyone loves applause (Public Recognition)
- Go back to school (Guest Teacher)
- Success at last (Success Letters)
- The pen is my mightier than the sword (Articles)
- You don’t say (Fillers)
- Don’t sell the telephone short (Teleconferences)
- Read all about it (Press Releases)
- 2+2 = 5 (Teamwork)
- The Answers: (Q&A Column)
A Special Invitation
Join My Inner Circle: This is the sixth year of my Sales & Marketing Club and the majority of members have been members for all six years. This is testimony as to its effectiveness. I am inviting you to “try” it for 30 days for just $19.95.
See for yourself if our two (2) monthly sales meetings coupled with the extensive resource library is something that can help you to continue to build your business. There are no long term commitments. Try it for just 30 days. CLICK HERE.