Discussion Topics:
- www.fiverr.com Check this site out. It is fun with very little risk.
- The Elevator Speech: www.marchev.net/ElevatorSpeech.pdf
What is your “intelligent” response to the question, “Hi MIke. What do you do?” This is also known as An Audio Logo.
Don’t answer by telling people who you are. Tell them what you do.
Note: Think about running your business by following a “system.” This indicates that you have thought the process through.
Whether you actually use this response or not is of little interest to me. The fact that you move through this exercise will make you a better, more confident sales professional in and of itself. It is worth your time. Believe me.
The Plan is nothing.
Planning is everything.
- Question: “Why should I do business with you?”
Answer: “I’m glad you asked me that. The last three single parents who selected my service, chose me because …”
Answer by using the thoughts from a category that is believable to the person asking the question. What you “think” is of little importance. What “others” think is more believable.
Here is my Special Report on this subject. www.marchev.net/whyyou.pdf
SIDEBAR: Another thought. How To Take Great Vacation Photos.
Check this small info-article out.
You need to write something like this to use as your “give-before-you-get” campaign.
Other ideas:
What to do when you get sun burned.
How to get red wine out of your vacation outfit.
- Write “Feeler” Letters
You have nothing to lose.
I plan to write Derek Jeeter a letter. (Yankee)
I plan to ask Ron Darling to dinner. (Mets)
Have fun with this.
Note: Get in the habit of writing a sincere, handwritten note of appreciation on Friday. I call this Notecard Friday.
- The 1-Sheet. You can check this out on our site. This is a single document that informs the reader
- You Q&A Column. You can check this out on our site. This is a fun and easy way to help people while positioning yourself as the go-to travel resource.
You can also bundle these Q&A Sheets and propose your column to every newsletter, ezine or organizational “rag” within a 50-100 mile radius of your breakfast table. (And beyond.)
Our web site:
The “Hook” is a common denominator among people. You communications will always prove to be more meaningful if you can isolate the “hook.”

This is a sample of the book cover art work I contracted atwww.fiverr.com