Last week I spoke to well-known international group representing 50 countries from a Fortune 100 company.
I opened by asking the audience to lift one leg off the ground and to hold that position. This was an easy exercise … balancing on one leg. I congratulated them for their athletic prowess and quickly related this position to their current state of “balance.” I reminded them that in all probability they felt “balanced” in their jobs and in their personal lives. It would be very easy, however, to approach each executive and knock them off-balance effortlessly with a single finger since they were standing on only one leg. I could destroy their balancing act with very little effort.
But, once they placed two feet back on the floor, they became balanced again with a firmer foundation. But what can improve a two-legged foundation? The answer is a three-legged foundation.
The three legs I was referring to with this group was Attitude; Nutrition; and Exercise. With these three legs firmly positioned, it would be difficult to knock anyone off balance.
Without going into a 60-minute presentation complete with slides, humor and audience interaction, I would like to share with you a similar reminder. As soon as you begin to think right, eat right and exercise daily, you will establish complete and total balance in your life … strong enough to withstand any oncoming forces. You will be braced and confident enough to challenge any incoming stress with “Go ahead! Hit me with your best shot.”
Business skills and knowledge come from experience. It is your responsibility to portray a positive attitude, maintain a proper diet, and exercise daily if you want to make a run at becoming the exception.
Why is this so important? The world as we know it is becoming one overweight planet filling up with a bunch of people who feel that their lot in life is unfair. Obesity is an epidemic that needs to be addressed in very short order. Negative, whining, boring individuals are beginning to think that we all care about their problems. News Flash: We don’t! We all have enough of our own.
I will remind you of two of my favorite sayings from two Michaels.
(1) You can’t change the world, but you can change your world. (M. Marchev)
(2) Take a look in the mirror, and then make a change. (M. Jackson)
Begin with your attitude. Next, focus on your eating habits. And finally, exercise (walk) 15-minutes a day. Anything you can do, that you are not doing today, is a major step in the right direction. (Spelled M-A-J-O-R).
Have a great week. Life is for living … and while it is fresh in your mind, help others get the message.
Mike Marchev is an entertaining motivational speaker and trainer who specializes in the travel industry. For a complimentary copy of his latest Special Report titled, “ Why Would Anybody In Their Right Mind, Want To Do Business With You?” send Mike an email at