At this very moment I am investing one-hour of my time listening to an on-line webinar from a “professional.” I can’t believe what I am hearing.
No, it has nothing to do with the information I am hearing, although that definitely has something to do with it. This woman is putting me to sleep. I want to run out the door screaming. Incredible.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe whatever you do and in whatever your industry, your competition may be putting your prospects and their customers to sleep. I am finding this experience hard to believe, but perhaps I should not be surprised at all. This person is a so-called expert, specialist and popular consultant. WOW!
Today’s message is two-fold: 1. Don’t be boring. Get some exercise. Find some energy. Get enthused or you will have people blogging about you like I am today. 2. Don’t be boring. Read #1 again. I suppose I could include a third point but you will see that it sounds like point one and two.
Yes, it has a lot to do with what you say, but please believe me, it has more to do with how you communicate what you are trying to say.
Come to grips with this message … pleeeeeeeease. What the world does not need is another boring person in any field.