Corporate Travel
Corporate travel decision makers are human beings. It is important to remember this. They are not super-duper executives with fancy clothes and a lot of glass in their buildings. They are just like you and me … over-worked and under-paid and longing for the days they can “hang-it-up” and relax for a change.
They are frazzled. Just like the rest of us … trying to do their job as best they can.
IMPORTANT: Corporate buyers are increasingly immune to even the slightest hint of self-promotion. It is important that you keep their well-being in mind and to keep it real at all times.
It is important that you take the time and do the leg-work to find out who the decision maker(s) is/are and to focus your efforts in this direction. You must realize that you all look the same to them. It is imperative that you differentiate yourself from all the others trying to gain entry into their conference room. (And there are others.)
Ask yourself this question: “If I am granted an interview with the decision maker, what will I say or do that will have them telling their boss that they were glad they met me.”
There is no magic involved here. This is corporate America. It is a great challenge and it is up to you to keep it fun, competitive and worth your time and energy. It is time to develop and fine-tune your corporate travel entry strategy.