Inner Circle Sales Lesson #10: Instant Information Products
Staying with the belief that people believe what they read, then it is in our best interest to share our information in writing.
I fully recognize the fact that most people do not enjoy writing. In fact, they find it down-right difficult.
They either feel that they have nothing to say or they simply do not have any confidence in their writing ability. It is time that we dispel both of these myths.
The truth is that you know scads more than you think you do. And, most of what you know (and probably have learned the hard way) is of great interest and significance to the rest of us. It is time you get over these meaningless excuses and get down to business.
I don’t expect you to write or sound like anybody but yourself. That, in and of itself, is a green light to begin pouring your thoughts out on paper in an expeditious fashion. Talk to us. Share with us. Educate us. Enlighten us. Spare us from having to learn the hard way by getting burned. You are in position to prevent this from happening.
Here is a down and dirty shortcut. Think of a subject (topic.) Write down 3 – 7 bullet points dealing with this topic. Write three sentences of explanation about each bullet point. Embellish these ideas if you must. Finished.
You now have your first information product. It may not be long,, and it may not be very good at the moment. Tomorrow, you will deal with each of these shortcomings. That is the power of editing. I guarantee you that each time you look at this product you will make it better with a few edits that leap out of your mind.
Another way to jump-start this exercise is to read a listed article on the web that you like. Google a subject and check out a few listed articles. 10 Ways to … 5 Mistakes to Avoid … etc.
Find one that you like and cut and paste it into a word document. Then, simply edit the words to fit your topic or subject. This is both fun and easy to do. Try it.
This is important. Regardless of how long your info product, at the bottom you want to write a resource box. This will contain your name, email, phone number and perhaps a link to a second info product. You want to always invite your reader to take the next move.
Now that you have an information product, you can look for ways to get it out into your marketplace, or community.
Download one of my Info products to get a vivid picture of what I am talking about.
This Special Report is titled The Ten Sales Mistakes You Must Avoid Making At All Costs.