Some Real Timely Advice!
I was catching up with a friend of mine this past week when he shared with me some advice that merits repeating.
LF (Let’s refer to him as Larry, as that is his name) reminded me to pass on the following directive to all sales professionals who still have “eating regularly” as one of their 2018 yearly objectives:
“Stop reading the news and stop watching the news!”
Mike, surely you are joking? You’re kidding, right?
No, I am not joking. People who make their living in this media feel that they are being paid to ruin our day.
Case in point:
Here in south Florida, the weather guy comes on and reports that “today was a beautiful day here in south Florida.” (PAUSE) And then he adds, “But how long is this going to last?” Hey! Give me a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine before you put a damper on things to come.
I’m not saying we all should be walking around with bags on our heads, but the way the news people keep banging on the same subject until another one takes its place kind of … yep …pisses me off.
If it is not hurricanes … it is tornados … or the housing market … or mortgages … or what some priest said about some guy pursuing a political career … or some political guy from New York who had a fancy for high priced female companionship. And the list goes on … and the beat goes on. It seems like the news media often times treat us all like we are bunch of morons And I am assuming YOU ARE NOT A MORON.
What happens here, and you can take this to the bank, is that sooner or later, you will begin believing what you read and take it as Gospel. The real estate agent soon starts saying, “I can’t sell a house. We are in a recession. People have stopped buying houses. The paper tells me so.”
The home buyer says, “I can’t buy a home. I can’t secure a mortgage.”
The weekend athlete says, “I can’t play golf, some stranger on the TV with an ugly tie told me it might rain … or worse.”
The news says it. You believe it. It comes true. Isn’t this known as a self-proclaiming prophecy? I am not talking about “fake news.” I am talking about purposely avoiding “good news.”
Ask any professional athlete if he believes anything he reads.
Those guys just lace em up week after week and go out, play to the best of their ability and allow the chips to fall where they may.
Enough already.
I don’t care what you do for a living, There are people out there who need to meet you. And it is not their job to meet you. You must make it your business to get up, get out, and meet them.
There are houses to be sold. Mortgages to close. Cruises to take and computers to buy, putts to be made and articles to write.
The decision is yours. Do you want to hitch your wagon on to the weatherman/news gal, or some whining, boring deadbeat, or do you want to take control of your own destiny?
I know which one I choose and it does not take any longer than a New York minute for me to make my decision.