You’re joking! This headline should be as obvious as the day is long. To me, it is the perfect analogy. Building a business is exactly like planting grass.
As most of you know by now, I usually find the subject of my weekly column somewhere during the previous week as my life unfolds in its unorthodox fashion. Yes, I can honestly say that my circuitous path through life is anything but boring.
I don’t know about you, but my life is filled with ups and downs attached to all kinds, sizes and variety of life-lessons. This week was no exception.
Having recently built a house on top of a hill in Upstate New York, the day has finally arrived where it is time to grow a little grass to give the estate some much needed color. Bushes will be next … after a lawn. First things first.
I prepared the surrounding grounds as best I could before spewing ten bazillion seeds around envisioning a lot of green in very short order. (That’s Bazillion with a “B.”)
I was informed by a good ole farm boy that my efforts would be maximized if I watered frequently and tossed a bazillion bales of hay on top of my seed-job … to keep the heat and moisture where it was needed the most.
More water. More hay. More seeds. More water. More hay.
And then as if by a miracle, I spotted what appeared to be a single blade of grass. This was a full five days after this exercise was initiated. I confirmed my sighting … indeed it was a blade of grass.
As my eyes focused I spotted a second blade. Then a third. My new lawn was breaking out and was well on its way. More water. More water. More water.
And that is exactly how it works folks. You must decide where you want the grass to appear. (Research) You must prepare the ground before tossing a million seeds (Prospecting) only to come to the mature realization that only a handful will actually germinate. (Sales) And this occurs only if you nurture the survivors, (Customer Service) and pay close attention to them from that point onward. After they take root, they will spread themselves (Referrals) as long as you take care of them.
You see, building a business is exactly like planting grass.
Now if you will excuse me, I have some watering to do.