Like it or not … believe it or not … believe in Santa or not, it is December … already. Month number 12. And although I have hinted at preparing for the New Year, your 2011 “To-Do List” should not be put to rest yet. You still have one more decision to make.
You are currently in position to either squander or maximize one of the most “interesting” months of the year. Pick one: Opportunity? Or Mistake?
Today’s message is both timely and career-changing.
December is a month loaded with excuses supporting the decision that it is okay to “wind down” in order to get ready for the New Year. After all, it is the last month of the year and Christmas, and all its wrappings is a just a few weeks away. Then, of course, comes the “dead week” between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. “Nobody wants to talk to me. Nobody is thinking about their next vacation.”
I can’t tell you what your clients are thinking about, but I am pretty certain that it isn’t you … unless you say or do something about it. And I strongly recommend that you do. And there is no better subject matter than travel to get people smiling … and thinking … and dreaming.
I am not suggesting a “hard” sell, or an obnoxious approach. I am simply recommending that there is ample time this month to remain visible. It is the ideal month to send sincere “thank-you” notes. It is the perfect time to invite your corporate accounts to lunch. The week between holidays was made for calling your top ten accounts to acknowledge their friendship and support.
The bottom line is that I don’t care what you do this month to promote your business and strengthen your relationships as long it is not “nothing.”
1/12 of the entire year lies in waiting. My question to you today is: Are you going to turn this month into an opportunity? Or are you going to make a mistake and excuse yourself into next year? It is time to make a decision. Go!
Merry December and Happy Twelfth Month.
PS. If you need a little more “direction” on how to make next year better than this year, I have you covered. Until December 7th only (1 week) you can ask for and receive a free copy of my 12-Word Marketing Plan Special Report. All you need to do is send me an email and then get ready for a gentle “whack-in-the-head.”
December? Bring it on.