By Mike Marchev (Just 400 words … Magic!)
Did you just say Magic Pill? Everybody knows that there are no “Magic Pills.” You are wrong. Yes there is.
There does seem to be a pill for just about everything these days … from headaches, to pain killers to weight loss to cholesterol control … to unforeseen “intimate moments” for you old guys. Yet most sales and marketing gurus, coaches and trainers are quick to remind you that there is no “Magic Pill” for business success.
You are correct if you think that there is not a “single pill” that does it all. But the truth is that you do have a “Magic Pill” … but it is ”Your Magic Pill.” It is not of the generic variety. It is your personal anecdote. And there lies the rub. You have to find it. You have to use it. You have to learn from it. You have to take it daily.
Your “pill” is different than mine. Mine is different than yours. But we both have one.
The “pill” comes in different sizes, colors, shapes and styles. The single common denominator is that all of these “pills” are spelled m-a-r-k-e-t-i-n-g. They all involve getting the right people to know you, like you and eventually trust you. Which ever “pill” you choose to take, you must do so daily … without exception … without excuses … or it will not prove to be magic.
“Magic Pills” take the form of networking; emailing; written communications; public speaking; blogs; websites; demonstrations; home parties; proposals; contests; collaborations etc. Your “pill” is no better than mine. It just is a better fit for your budget, time constraints and personality. As long as you take your “pill” daily you have a very good chance to witness the “magic.”
As we approach another New Year, I challenge you to find and begin ingesting your own “Magic Pill.” I also challenge you to do something that you never thought possible in the years ahead. Have more “FUN” in the next 12 months. I know I am … right after I take my “Pills.”
Mike’s Inner Circle: Join my Inner Circle and I will help you find the magic. Allow me to look over your shoulder and I will help you (1) Sleep better at night, (2) have more fun growing your business, and (3) put more money in your bank account. Ask for details …