Chances are you caught a little bit of the Academy Awards last night. This is the show were the Oscars are handed out. You know … the Red Carpet thing and a late night cocktail party hosted by Vanity Fair so E Entertainment has something to talk about.
Admittedly, these types of shows do not hold my interest, and I find myself writing future articles, like this one while my wife points out the upsets to me.
They say this is the biggest night of the year on Hollywood. If you say so.
My question is: “Why do they pull the hook on some people faster than others? They all say the same thing.
Early in the show, some seemingly attractive winner looked legitimately surprised and pleased that she had won. She had my attention, until … she dropped an “F” Bomb which was silenced thanks to a ten second delay. I found this to be incredible. Her big night. Our cherished celebrities. Which reminded me that the clothes don’t make the woman.
I found myself thinking about a number of travel industry functions when someone dressed to the nines opened their mouth and promptly put their foot in it. Professional wanna-bes.
Allow your competitors to sound like “one of the boys.” Don’t mess up your big night. Some things are difficult if not impossible to unwind, or bleep out . Do your homework. Prepare your thoughts and weigh your words. You don’t want to have people questioning your work.
I must stop now. This next winner is reading her speech word for word. I’m sorry. Saying “thank you” does not need a crib sheet. (N0 she was not reading names. Just reading stuff nobody was listening to.) Ladies and gentlemen, if you have something to tell someone, look them n the eye and tell them. We will take it from there.
What award show is on next Sunday night? I can hardly wait.